Inter-Korean People-to-People Diplomacy: Social and Cultural Exchanges across the 38th Parallel

people-to-people diplomacy
public diplomacy
process evaluation
foreign policy
international relations
intergroup communication
social identity
in-depth interviews
discourse analysis
KF grant

Kadir Jun Ayhan and Siyeon Jang* (2022), “Inter-Korean People-to-People Diplomacy: Social and Cultural Exchanges across the 38th Parallel,” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy: 18(1): 95-132, doi: 10.1163/1871191x-bja10139


Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


December 2022

Other details

Supported by Korea Foundation 2018-2019 Policy-oriented Research Support Program.


The people of the two Koreas cannot communicate directly with one another. Since the early 1990s, South and North Korea have allowed a limited number of people-to-people exchanges. In this article, we map the South Korean government’s theories of change regarding inter-Korean exchanges based on policy documents and semi-structured interviews with five high-level Ministry of Unification bureaucrats. We also explore the outcomes of inter-Korean exchanges, building on ten South Korean participants’ insights. Our findings suggest that the primary goals of inter-Korean social and cultural exchanges have been to expand contact between the two Koreas to alleviate the sense of mutual alienation, to increase empathy and, in turn, to reduce tensions and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. Participant interviews reveal that direct interpersonal interaction between South and North Koreans reinforces the idea of a superordinate Korean group identity.

BibTeX citation

    title = {Inter-Korean People-to-People Diplomacy: Social and Cultural Exchanges across the 38th Parallel},
    volume = {18},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1163/1871191x-bja10139},
    pages = {95--132},
    number = {1},
    journaltitle = {The Hague Journal of Diplomacy},
    author = {Ayhan, Kadir Jun and Jang, Siyeon},
    date = {2022},
    note = {Place: Leiden, The Netherlands
Publisher: Brill {\textbar} Nijhoff},