Program Evaluation
You cannot take the effectiveness of your public diplomacy programs for granted. In this program evaluation training, you will learn how to design and evaluate your public diplomacy (including people-to-people diplomacy, or corporate diplomacy) programs from an established expert, Dr. Kadir Jun Ayhan, in the field. This is a unique program evaluation course customized for public diplomacy professionals. In addition to hands-on learning, you will learn in a community setting with other public diplomacy professionals, which will allow you to learn from each other and build a network of like-minded professionals. Click here to learn more about the public diplomacy program evaluation training program.
R for Public Diplomacy
It is rare to find a public diplomacy professional who is also an expert in computational social science. In this training program, you will learn how to use R for public diplomacy, including data wrangling, data analysis, data visualization, and story-telling. Following this program, you will be able to collect, clean, analyze, visualize, and present data on public diplomacy independently. You will get over the steep learning curve in a supportive learning community. Click here to learn more about the R for public diplomacy training program.
R for International Relations
International Relations scholarship is becoming increasingly data-driven. In this training program, you will learn how to use R for international relations, including data wrangling, data analysis, data visualization, and story-telling. Click here to learn more about the R for international relations training program.
Public Diplomacy 101
This training program is designed for those who are new to public diplomacy. In this training program, you will learn the basics of public diplomacy, including the history of public diplomacy, the key frameworks of public diplomacy, the connection between public diplomacy and foreign policy, and the basics of evaluation for public diplomacy programs. Click here to learn more about the public diplomacy 101 training program.