R for International Relations Bootcamp
There are plenty of free online resources and courses that can help you learn R at your own pace. However, many people find it challenging to complete these courses without the support of a community or additional motivation.
That is why we have designed a two-days cohort-based data science bootcamp to help you learn R with the support of a community that will provide the motivation you need. In addition, we will have 4 hours of Q&A and feedback sessions over the course of one month to help you with any questions you may have.
Detailed Program
In this bootcamp, we delve into data science, specifically tailored for international relations enthusiasts.
International Relations scholarship is becoming increasingly data-driven.
In this bootcamp, you will learn how to use the basics of R, with use cases for international relations, including data wrangling, data visualization, and text analysis.
The bootcamp consists of a total of 12 hours of classes and 4 hours Q&A and feedback sessions.
Participants will have access to a private Microsoft Teams community for discussions, questions, and resource sharing.
Participants will receive participation certificates from Diplomacy Analytics.
We designed this bootcamp for beginners, and no prior experience with R is required.
Detailed program is as follows:
1 | Day 1 | 10 AM - 1 PM | Basics of R, Data wrangling |
Working with packages, scripting, assigning values, data types, basic functions, piping; dplyr verbs: select, filter, mutate, group_by, case_when | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
Day 2 | 2 PM - 5 PM | Data visualization |
ggplot2 basics | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
2 | Day 3 | 10 AM - 1 PM | Data wrangling continued |
Merging different datasets (dplyr, countrycode), working with dates (lubridate), converting data to long/ wide formats (tidyr), | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
Day 3 | 2 PM - 5 PM | Text analysis |
Frequency analysis, and word networks (tidytext, stringr) | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
3 | Day 4 | 7 PM - 8 PM | Q/A Session and Customized Feedback |
Answering cohort's questions, and giving customized feedback. | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
4 | Day 5 | 7 PM - 8 PM | Q/A Session and Customized Feedback |
Answering cohort's questions, and giving customized feedback. | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
5 | Day 6 | 7 PM - 8 PM | Q/A Session and Customized Feedback |
Answering cohort's questions, and giving customized feedback. | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
6 | Day 7 | 7 PM - 8 PM | Q/A Session and Customized Feedback |
Answering cohort's questions, and giving customized feedback. | 🖥️ We will share code scripts, and recordings with registered participants. |
Eary Bird Discount
Use the following discount coupon to get a discount on the bootcamp:
Early bird: early ($50 off)
Group discount: reach out to us for a group discount or customized R training for your team.